Monthly Archives: October 2013

“O conflito de classes, em escala global, começa a acontecer no meio digital”, afirma Laymert Garcia dos Santos

Fonte: Trechos da entrevista de Laymert Garcia dos Santos, professor de Sociologia da Unicamp, na edição 127 da Revista Fórum. Por Glauco Faria e Igor Carvalho “O caso Snowden é o último elo de uma cadeia que vem vindo de várias outras que já entenderam o enorme potencial das redes, de politizar as questões

Operaism and post-Operaism by Sandro Mezzadra

Operaism and post-Operaism: entry for the Encyclopedia of Revolution by Sandro Mezzadra ITALY, OPERAISM AND POSTOPERAISM Sandro Mezzadra (Dipartimento di Politica, Istituzioni, Storia – Università di Bologna): Word count: 3270 Operaismo (“operaism”), also known in the English-speaking world as “autonomist Marxism”, refers to a theoretical and political current of Marxist thought that emerged in

The Politics of Abstraction: Beyond the Opposition of Knowledge and Life, by Matteo Pasquinelli

Fonte: open! Matteo Pasquinelli is a writer and academic researcher. He completed his doctorate with a thesis on the new forms of conflict within knowledge economy and cognitive capitalism. He wrote the book Animal Spirits: A Bestiary of the Commons (2008). He writes and lectures frequently at the intersection of Italian operaismo and French philosophy,